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About Us

Minster Lovell Playgroup was established in the Village Hall in 1974.  It is now situated in a portable building in the grounds of St. Kenelm’s School.  Parents may park outside the school in Wenrisc Drive but we ask you to respect the residents and not obstruct the driveways.  Please do not park on the zig zag lines or in the entrance way into School.

Minster Lovell Playgroup is a charity organisation managed by a committee of volunteer parents (Reg No: 1133956).  We are members of the Pre-school Learning Alliance, and are supported by the Oxfordshire County Council Early Years team; our Early Years advisory teacher visits twice a year and all members of staff attend training courses where necessary. 


Opening Times

Playgroup is open from 9am until 12 noon on Monday and Friday and 9am - 3pm on Tuesday to Thursday during school term times.  The Playgroup cannot accept responsibility for the safety of children outside these hours due to our insurance cover.  Each child must attend a minimum of two sessions per week.


Parents are welcome into Playgroup at any time.  We have a voluntary rota system in the Cloakroom where you are able to sign up to help.  Helping out is very informal and there will be guidance if needed.  You will not be expected to help out when your child first starts at Playgroup.  Please sign up once your child has been with us for half a term.  Helping at the session enables parents to see what the day-to-day life of the setting is like and to join in helping the children to get the best out of their activities.

If you have a particular skill, occupation or interest you would like to share with the children please let a member of staff know – this may be playing a musical instrument, gardening, sewing, cooking, crafting, driving a tractor or fire engine. ‘playing’ – for example – a nurse, chef, shop assistant or mechanic in the role play area, or sharing aspects of another language or culture


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  • Playgroup Facebook Page
Website created by Andrea Fayers for Minster Lovell Playgroup
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