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Session Times and Fees

Minster Lovell Playgroup (Pre-School) is open during regular school term and in general the term dates are aligned with St. Kenelm's Primary School.  Full day, morning and afternoon sessions are available.


We are open as follows:
Monday and Friday morning from 9am - 12 noon
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am - 3pm


Morning Session is from 9am - 12 noon
Afternoon Session is from 12 noon - 3pm

Cost per session is £16.50
Children bring their own packed lunch from home and a named water bottle


Funding is available for 2 year olds, 15 hours for 3-4 year olds and 30 hours funding if you are eligible.

Further information can be found on our News and Events page.


© Minster Lovell Playgroup

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  • Playgroup Facebook Page
Website created by Andrea Fayers for Minster Lovell Playgroup
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